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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


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Founder of the Forum Marilù Mastrogiovanni, at the Anna Lindh foundation event

by Marilù Mastrogiovanni

The Intercultural Trends and Media Platform workshop on cross-cultural and gender sensitive reporting begins today in the EuroMed region and is organized by Anna Lindh foundation and the Union of Mediterranean Universities (Unimed), in collaboration with the University of Jordan and the European Union.

All the international organizations that cooperate for dialogue and peace among peoples, newspapers, TV, online media and universities in the Euro-Mediterranean area will be present.

And I will also be there to bring the experience of the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists, which I founded four years ago.

It is a network, an agora and a proscenium for women journalists, especially for investigative and precarious journalists, who at the risk of their lives work to take out of their darkness news that otherwise would remain unknown to most people: it represents an opportunity for dialogue, confrontation and proposal as well as a complaint.

The goal is to create bridges of peace between the shores of the Mediterranean, because this is what journalism is: a job that protects democracy, and therefore peace.

I hope I will be able to contribute to the growth of the Forum of journalists as it deserves and to find around the Forum an institutional network of support and closeness (which is by no means a foregone conclusion).

Here is what the Amman Forum is.

In the framework of the analysis work on Intercultural Trends coordinated by the Anna Lindh Foundation and following the publication of the Anna Lindh Report 2018 on Intercultural Trends and Social Change in the Euro-Mediterranean Region, the Anna Lindh Foundation and Union of the Mediterranean Universities (UNIMED) convene the first Intercultural Trends and Media Platform workshop on cross-cultural and gender sensitive reporting in the EuroMed region. The workshop will take place on 10 and 11 September in Amman, Jordan. 

The workshop brings together media, academia and civil society to debate on the way perceptions between Europeans and Southern and Eastern Mediterranean people have evolved in the recent years as a result of the growing migratory and refugee movements, the rise of populists discourses and phenomena of violent extremism. Organised in the framework of the Euromed Women for Dialogue Forum (Amman, 11 and 12 September), the coverage of gender related issues in the media will be taken as an indicator to debate of existing cultural stereotypes and good practices in the field.

The Amman workshop is the first of a series of thematic encounters which aims at establishing a strong Euro-Mediterranean network of media, civil society and academic organisations who can define a strategy for the promotion of exchanges and analyses about the coverage of relevant social and political events in the region with a view to fight cultural stereotypes

The scientific data gathered with the ALF Intercultural Trends Survey, the civil society work led by the ALF 4500+ member network across 42 countries and media practices by represented media will offer a basis for the discussion.

The meeting will gather Intercultural experts who contributed to the compilation of the Anna Lindh Report, who are committed to its dissemination and can lay the basis for the further development of a programme centred around the analysis of intercultural trends in the Euro-Mediterranean region to orientate policy, media, academic and civil society work.

The expected outcomes of the meeting are to contribute to

  • To facilitate an in-depth understanding of the results and main trends of the Anna Lindh/Ipsos Intercultural Survey and Report analysis to facilitate the dissemination of the Anna Lindh Report
  • Define a strategy and methodology for the creation of a Euro-Mediterranean network of journalists, academics and civil society for the promotion of exchanges and analyses about the coverage of cross-cultural issues and fight again gender stereotypes images 
  • Discuss of learning approaches and modules on intercultural trends affairs within schools of journalism and plan for implementing a related strategy
  • Encourage the production of media pieces drawing on the Intercultural Trends research, the EuroMed Women for Dialogue Forum, civil society practices and other relevant studies

During the interactive sessions in the afternoon, there will be the opportunity to both share practice, work in groups and develop new project ideas, which will be facilitated by an experienced facilitator. The main focus of these sessions is to focus on fighting the stereotypes within each area of specialism. The ideas will be presented to the whole forum and stakeholders the following day. 


On 11 and 12 September 2019, the Anna Lindh Foundation will organize the Euromed Women for Dialogue Forum. The Forum is a regional event for the promotion of multiple and renewed images of women as agents for the promotion of intercultural dialogue in the region and to counter prevailing stereotypes which till today hamper women full participation and potential in their societies.

The Euromed Women for Dialogue Forum is held under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Rym Ali.

The Forum is conceived as a platform to explore on the one hand the work that women around the region do to fight cultural stereotypes and on the other the impact that existing gender stereotypes have on the access of women to the different spheres of life

The Forum will be a space to give voice to women to contribute to breaking those stereotypes with their stories.

In line with the results of researches on the topic, recommendations of policy makers and civil society from the Euro-Mediterranean region, the Forum gathers women and men who will present and discuss of the most recent data and experiences they led in the media, education, business, cultural fields:

  • to increase knowledge on prevailing gender stereotypes and break those stereotypes by showcasing stories of women who have engaged, succeeded, learnt and developed in those fields
  • to facilitate the creation of new collaborations between women and men of the Euro-Mediterranean region who wish to promote renewed and multiple images of women and diverse cultural groups in society

Outcomes of the Forum:

  • Collection of good practices
  • New collaborations
  • A Euromed women network to inspire and act

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