Brenda Murphy
Nata a Dublino, studia a Waterford, Dublino e Londra. Presiede il comitato consultivo di genere presso l’autorità di radiodiffusione di Malta, ricopre la carica di presidentessa e segretaria generale dell’UMASA e lavora con il Presidente maltese presso la President Foundation per la formazione di genere, guidata dai professionisti dei media. Brenda Murphy vive e insegna a Malta. Direttrice dell’Edward DeBono Institute for the Design and Development of Thinking, nel 2013 fa parte di un team di accademici che ha istituito un nuovo dipartimento di studi di genere. Capo del dipartimento, presidentessa della Union House e ricercatrice associata del Mediterranean Institute, è esperta per la Commissione ed il Parlamento europeo su questioni di media e di genere. Il dipartimento è coinvolto nella progettazione di programmi post-laurea, ricerca, attivismo e coinvolgimento della comunità. È ricercatrice attiva presso l’Istituto europeo per l’uguaglianza di genere (EIGE), GMMP e COST. Dal 2000 è coordinatrice nazionale per il Gender Monitoring Media Project (GMMP) e, recentemente, coordinatrice nazionale in un monitoraggio su “Donne e media” in 27 paesi per conto dell’EIGE.
EU reports
Murphy B. 2018. languishing in inertia – gender issues & media landscapes: from Beijing 1995 to Paris 2018. EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality – Comments Paper – Response to Discussion Paper (France) for EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality – Women and the Media Seminar, France, 12-13 November 2018
Murphy, B. 2018. Malta – a case study, In Gender Equality in the Media Sector, FEMM Women’s Rights and Gender Equality (European Parliament Committee) Media Research Report. Authors: McCracken, K., FitzSimons, A., Priest, S., Girstmair, S., & Murphy, B.
Research Report. Authors: McCracken, K., FitzSimons, A., Priest, S., Girstmair, S., & Murphy, B.
Training & Education
Murphy B. 2018. Media guidelines for Journalists reporting Domestic Violence
Book chapters
Murphy, B. 2020, ‘Desperately seeking wellbeing: toxic media portrayals and the pursuit of happiness’, in Perspectives on Wellbeing: applications in the field. [Forthcoming] (Peer reviewed).
Murphy B. 2019, ‘media landscapes and striptease cultures – patriarchy, portrayal and bodies’ In The Representation of Women in Contemporary Society, New York: Peter Lang [Forthcoming] (Peer reviewed).
Murphy B. 2019. Gender-positive advertising – challenging gender stereotyping in advertising? In Ross. K. (Ed.) Gender and Communications Encyclopedia (forthcoming)
Murphy B. 2019. Framing Couples: stereotypes, romance and idealised romance in the media, In Abela A, Piscopo S., & Vella, S. (Eds.) Couple Relationships in a Global Context, Understanding love and intimacy across cultures. National Centre of Family Research of the President’s Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society; Springer (forthcoming)
Cutajar, J., Murphy, B. & Naudi, M. 2018. Malta, in Shaw, S. M., Barbour, N, Duncan, P., Freehling-Burton, K., and Nichols J. (eds) Women’s Lives around the World, A Global Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO Greenwood Press
Murphy, B. 2017. Malta: A critical mapping of women in the media – absences and contested occupancies – from Boardrooms to Broadcasts. In Ross K. and Padovani C. (Eds) Gender Equality and the Media: A Challenge for Europe. Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education, Routledge: London
Murphy B. 2015. Brewing Identities: Globalisation, Guinness and the Production of Irishness Global Studies in Education: 2015 Edition, (1st Edition) Publisher: Peter Lang Publishing Inc [Paperback]