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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


FMWJ Forum 2024Cover Twitter
23 Novembre 2023 - Ore 16.30-18.30
Aula Starace, dip. Scienze Politiche
Piazza Cesare Battisti, 3 UNIBA

If artificial intelligence is a system that can replicate the generative functioning of human intelligence, then it is necessary to ask what kind of “human” is its source: what kinds of collective consciousness it draws upon to create new ones; what languages it uses and how it deals with the stereotypes these languages contain; what ethical systems it refers to, who has labeled them, and at what cost; whether generative machine learning falls into the otherization and racialization of minorities (ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation). In short, if artificial intelligence simulates human intelligence so well, are we so sure that there is no risk that it will also replicate and amplify its flaws as well as its virtues?

Darya Majidi, Women in AI Ambassador, President of Women 4.0
Patrizia Calefato, Uniba
Claudia Attimonelli, Uniba
Adriano Ferraresi, University of Bologna, Principal Investigator of the UNITE project – Universally Inclusive Technologies to Practice English Online
Francesca Raffi, University of Macerata, Head of the UNITE Project Unit – UNiversally Inclusive Technologies to Practice English Online
Claudia Padovani, University of Padova – online
Alice Baroni, University of Padova – online
Cristiana Bedei, ENWE

chair: Marisa Ingrosso, GiULia Journalists’ Association, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

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