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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


23 Novembre 2023 - Ore 16.30-18.30
Aula Starace, dip. Scienze Politiche
Piazza Cesare Battisti, 3 UNIBA

The complexity of the various kinds of collective consciousness conveyed by the equally complex mass media systems available to children’s audiences requires new skills from journalists in order to foster democratic participation from an early age.
What characteristics should journalistic products for minors have and how can they stimulate the formation of opinions on a critical and autonomous basis? Professional ethics stands at a crossroads between the need to update formats without diluting their meaning in the excessive fragmentation of social networks and the need to keep the bar of professional ethics high. Recent experiments show that the tools of the profession can “shine” again in contact with modernity.

Iris Luarasi, Albanian Media Institute; former president Grevio
Joaquim Ramos Pinto, president of the Portuguese Association of Environmental Education, ASPEA
Luisa Schmidt, Sociologist, Journalist, Professor at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon
Paula Estalayo Bielsa, Coordinadora Octaedro Universidad)
Juan Leon, Octaedro Universidad Barcelona
Manuel Leon, Octaedro Universidad Barcelona
Valentina Isernia, Journalist, Vice President of Ideadinamica Scarl

Chair: Rosa Gallelli, Uniba

Previsti 4 crediti deontologici per i giornalisti. Clicca qui per l’iscrizione
