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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


FMWJ Forum 2024Cover Twitter
23 Novembre 2023 - Ore 16.30-18.30
Aula Starace, dip. Scienze Politiche
Piazza Cesare Battisti, 3 UNIBA

IFor decades, the Kurdish people have been victims of brutal ethnic cleansing by Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq. But there are those who do not bend under the blows of patriarchal violence and find the strength to imagine and put into practice a new social system based on ecofeminism: they are the women of Jineoloji.
However, the history of these crimes against humanity finds little space in the mainstream information, where it is necessary to give a voice to oppressed minorities, with a language that respects their migratory background as well as the sources that protect them, even if they are far away from our daily Western reality.

Daniele Petrosino, Uniba
Ergin Nesrin, Turkish-Kurdish refugee journalist
Laura Cima, National Ecofeminist Coordination
Luciana Borsatti, Former Correspondent of Ansa in Iran
Marilù Mastrogiovanni, Director of the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists

chair: Lorena Carbonara, UniCal, Coordinator S/Murare il Mediterraneo

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