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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


‘Un/walling Europe’ is the theme of this year’s programme: journalists from all over the world will come together in a four-day event in Bari and Lecce.

Building bridges, not walls, as journalists who are committed to democracy, and therefore to peace.


It will bring together journalists, diplomats, researchers and others from Uzbekistan, Mexico, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Italy, Yemen, the Horn of Africa, France, Spain, and Malta, who each bring their testimonies of life and work, lighting a beacon for the need to build bridges of dialogue and break down cultural and social barriers.


The new frontiers of information – from the live voices of journalists who build bridges of peace every day with their work – is the fulcrum around which all the presentations will revolve.


22 and 23 November at the University of Bari, 24 and 25 November at the Municipality of Lecce.


Each with her own story to tell, the journalists of the Forum will speak freely, at the service of truth, in the face of the violence and censorship which are only too common and threaten journalism everywhere.


The speakers offer their particular contributions to the way of viewing reality through the female perspective, narrating their personal battles to affirm their right to speak out against discrimination and stereotyping.

At the Forum, conceived by journalist Marilù Mastrogiovanni and organized with Gi.U.Li.A., the association of freelance women journalists, local Puglian journalists will be in dialogue with colleagues representing national and international newspapers at this marathon event aimed at evidencing and repudiating all forms of violence against women.

The Forum presents a crossroads of ideas, an unrestricted platform on which to share stories and talents, with the aim of producing concrete outputs by the end of each day.

Luciano Pezzotti, Italian Ambassador and special envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Horn of Africa, will open the proceedings, while closing remarks will be made by Pauline Ades-Mevel, Spokesperson, Reporters without Borders for the EU and the Balkans. The journalists will be presented with a work by the social photojournalist Marcello Carrozzo.


There will be fourteen discussion panels, with:

Linda Dorigo, freelance photojournalist;

Rosaria Talarico, freelance journalist, founder of the Associazione giornalismo investigativo;

Shahida Tulaganova, Uzbek journalist and documentary filmmaker stationed in London, whose forthcoming feature film concerns the humanitarian emergency in Myanmar;

Umida Niyazova, Uzbek journalist, political refugee in Germany; president of the Uzbek-German Forum for Human Rights;

Valeria Ferrante, freelance journalist, Rai Tre, Mediaset;

Angela Caponnetto, of RaiNews24;

Maria Luisa Sgobba, of Mediaset;

Shukri Said, journalist from Radio Radicale and correspondent for the BBC and Voice of America;

Luisella Seveso, GiULiA journalist and national councillor of the Ordine dei Giornalisti;

Giovanna Pezzuoli, of La27ora site of Corriere della Sera, GiULiA journalist, and member of the Leggendaria editorial collective;

Eva Morletto, freelance journalist based in Paris;

Laura Silvia Battaglia, freelance journalist based in Sana’a, Yemen;

Carme Cescales, freelance journalist based in Barcelona;

Cristina Fallaras, #cuentalo, journalist and author;

Virginia Pérez Alonso, co-editor of the news site Público, and President of the Platform in Defense of Free Expression (PDLI);

Emilie Blachere, from Paris Match;

Claire Caruana, from the Times of Malta;

Pavla Holcova, reporter, Center for Investigative Journalism in the Czech Republic;

Camelia Dimitrova Ivanova, of the Association of European Journalists – Bulgaria;

Cynthia Judith Rodríguez Rojas, Mexican freelance journalist;

Francesca Mannocchi, writer/director of the film “Isis, tomorrow”;

Sophia Baras, political refugee from Yemen.


Other speakers at the Forum include scientists of the University of Bari and Salento: Maria Lucia Curri, Paola Prete, Antonia Carparelli, Susanna Cotecchia, Maria De Paola, Paola Zaccaria, Rosita Maglie, Lorena Carbonara, Anna Fausta Scardigno, Irene Strazzeri and Valentina Cremonesini.


Other journalists leading discussions: Rossella Matarrese, Marilù Mastrogiovanni, Anna Maria Ferretti, Marina Cosi, Luisa Amenduni, Monica Pietrangeli, Lucia Del Vecchio, Anna De Feo, Paola Moscardino, Fabiana Pacella.



Preview screening of the documentary “Isis, tomorrow” by Francesca Mannocchi – (on the 22nd in Bari and the 24th in Lecce)

Massimo Nava, editorialist of Corriere della Sera, presents his book “Il boss è immortale” (on the 23rd in Bari)

Feminicide, when freedom of information also dies” (on the 25th in Lecce)


LETTERS OF INTENT: ‘Database of 100 experts’

The online database 100esperte.it, launched by GiULiA and the Osservatorio di Pavia, with the support of the Representation in Italy of the European Commission and the collaboration of the Bracco Foundation, to date contains almost 200 curricula of scientists and economists, selected according to strict and transparent criteria. The aim is to increase the visibility of authoritative, competent and passionate women professionals who have been systematically neglected by the media. (According to the Global Media Monitoring Project 2015, in almost 82% of cases it is men who explain and interpret the world.)

Strategic sectors have been chosen on the basis of the economic and social development of our country –Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics as well as Economics and Finance – where women have historically been under-represented.

Rector Antonio Felice Uricchio, and Serenella Molendini, National Equality Councillor and President of CREIS, the European Research Centre for Sustainable Innovation, will sign two collaboration agreements for the promotion of research by southern Italian women scientists, through scouting activities, in collaboration with the project “Database of 100 experts”. The aim is to increase the dissemination of these scientists’ research results alongside an equal representation of gender in the mass media.

The Forum of Mediterranean Journalists is an idea of Marilù Mastrogiovanni, journalist and investigative writer, and professor at the University of Bari.

It is supported by Corecom Puglia, FNSI, USIGRAI, Consigliera di parità regionale, CREIS; and sponsored by: Ordine nazionale e regionale dei giornalisti, Assostampa, Amnesty international, Libera Informazione, Università di Bari, Articolo 21, Ossigeno per l’Informazione, Archivio di Genere, Centro di ricerca S/murare il Mediterraneo, Master in Giornalismo-Uniba, Una buona storia per Lecce, and Idea dinamica.


The Forum, with Unesco, is also #Unibaplasticfree. The Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists and Idea dinamica, along with the Centro di Eccellenza di Ateneo per la Sostenibilità chaired by Elvira Tarsitano, adhere to the UNESCO week for a world without plastic.

Training and deontological credits for journalists. Info: https://sigef-odg.lansystems.it/sigef/

University credits will be available for students of the For.Psi.Com Department of the University of Bari and of the Faculty of Law of Bari.


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