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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


FMWJ Forum 2024Cover Twitter
26 november 2024 - 9.30-11.30
University of Bari -Aula Leogrande, palazzo Ex Poste

On 26 March 2024 the United Nations report ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ was released, signed by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by the Israelis since 1967. According to the Special Rapporteur’s study, there are reasonable grounds for what is happening in Palestine to be framed as a ‘crime of genocide’, driven, according to the report, by the Israeli colonial settlement project in Palestine. The tale of a tragedy entrusted to a few Palestinian freelance journalists who, from the inside and from below, are trying to restore humanity to a media addicted to the bloody images and pornography of war. What deontological responsibility for journalists to guarantee balanced information?

Erminia Rizzi, expert in immigration and asylum law

Bisan Owda, journalist, reporting from Gaza, Palestine

Jumana Shaheen, journalist, reporting from Cairo, Egypt

Wessal Yousef, journalist

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Cecilia Dalla Negra, journalist, Orient XXI, head of the Italian section of

Micol Meghnagi, sociologist, University of Bologna

Alessandra Costante, journalist, FNSI General Secretary

Chair: Luigi Cazzato, UniBa Master of Journalism coordinator

Interpreter: Cia Sollecito

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