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By Daniela Celestino
Felice Blasi, president of Corecom Puglia and the national coordination of Italian Corecoms takes up the proposal Giulia giornaliste is launching from the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists to use the protocol for the use of gender language in the Pa and Media in all regions. And he raises it.
He will advocate for the signing of the Protocol by local media and regional RAI and public administrations. And not only that. As president of the coordination of Italian Corecoms Blasi intends to get himself activated “so that this protocol is used as a best practice in other Italian regions, for protocols between Corecoms, Pa and Media in other regions. The same solicitation I will make at FNSI (here present, we also have USIGRAI) and the CPO of FNSI, with Giulia, involving the National Equality Councilor, so that the protocol will be acquired by Rai, both as a company and as newspapers.”
Corecom Puglia’s experience on the issue goes back a long way. Apulia’s information and TV offerings in general do not meet the real needs of women. The figure emerges from a series of studies that Corecom Puglia has developed over time paying attention to the world of women, how it is represented in local broadcasting and communications. Sharing the Mediterranean Women Journalists’ Forum project comes in the wake of this focus on women and the feminine. Felice Blasi sees this as a role ontologically inscribed in the Committee’s mission, as the body responsible for ensuring that the rights of citizens are respected in telecommunications, guaranteeing the protection of vulnerable groups, eliminating violence and limiting inequality.
“We have had the opportunity to verify how our communications reflect a female stereotype that does not correspond to what women express,” Blasi explains, “television offerings for example are always linked to topics such as wellness, beauty, fashion, and cooking. Instead, women have expressed a much more pressing need with respect to topics such as work and science. They absolutely demand higher quality than what exists.”
These analyses were able to be developed thanks to the Communication Observatory initiated by Corecom with the participation of Giulia journalists and the presence of universities, the Equality Council and the Regional Education Office. However, a body that is stuck due to lack of funding. “It is necessary to continue on the path of raising awareness,” the president argues, “because there are levels for which a path of education rather than regulatory regulation is more crucial. Our activity also insists on this border territory, which allows us to overcome, as in the case of this project, the often stifling localism to embrace other realities across national borders.”
The representation of the feminine is also a matter of language, according to Blasi, “it is necessary to modernize it and decline it according to gender. The Protocol for the Use of Gender Language in Public Administration and the Media proposed by Giulia is an important step and we will do our best to have it adopted quickly. The issue of awareness-raising emerges here as well. Several times we have registered dissent in the women’s world itself with respect to gender language. Instead, the language approach is substantial; it is needed to change the culture and remove stereotypes.”