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Il Forum è nato dalla giornalista Marilù Mastrogiovanni ed è organizzato da Giulia Giornaliste e dalla cooperativa IdeaDinamica, con l’obiettivo di “creare ponti, abbattere muri: promuovere una riflessione sul giornalismo delle giornaliste investigative, come presidio di Democrazia, dunque di Pace”.


In the second edition, female journalists from Malta, Tunisia, Egypt, Kosovo, Turkey, Kurdistan, Italy

by Marilù Mastrogiovanni

Once again this year Bari and Lecce will be a hub of ideas, proposals, projects and visions told by the living voices of female journalists from all shores of the Mediterranean.

The Apulia Region, of course, historically and geographically reaching out to “others,” is proposed as a place of encounter and dialogue. Nothing leaves us indifferent. And the Forum becomes a time for reflection and monitoring the work of women journalists in crisis zones: women colleagues from Puglia will dialogue with women reporters from across the Adriatic, from Albania and Kosovo; they will talk with women reporters from the southern Mediterranean, from Malta, Tunisia, Egypt; and they will talk with women reporters working in Kurdistan.

corecomCorecom Puglia, chaired by Felice Blasi, in its institutional mission of monitoring the level of democracy, also measured by the representation of minorities and their presence or absence on TV, has been supporting since its first edition the Mediterranean Women Journalists Forum, organized by Giulia giornaliste.

For us, it is an important signal of institutional closeness to gender journalism: done by women journalists in Apulia and done by Apulian women in the rest of Italy and abroad. How women are represented in the media and on TV has to do with the democratic level of a country, if it is true that the media and TV create public opinion but are also its representation. That is why it is necessary for the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists to grow, to be able to give voice to more women journalists, from more countries, on more days. Because giving more voice to women means giving democracy strong legs to walk fast toward civil rights and make it fully realized.


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