
2024 Edition Program


Press Care, Life Care

November 25-26-27, 2023, Hybrid Event, In-Person and Online on FAD Platform



Day 1

25 November 2024

University of Bari - Aula don Tonino Bello, via Crisanzio 42 - 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

PANEL 1 - Press care, life care

Protecting freedom of information means defending every aspect of democratic life, civil rights, human rights, environmental and ecological justice. By the level of press freedom is measured the resilience of the rule of law. In Italy, the growing instability of the publishing system and the transformation of young journalists into poor workers is failing to guarantee turnover in a category that is increasingly thinning its ranks. Yet, as Article 1 of the Testo Unico deontologico states, journalists and editors together must guarantee the protection of sources and are bound to respect professional secrecy, thus they are co-responsible for the news circuit. While Article 2 of the Code of Ethics only concerns journalists, Article 1 calls into question the publishing system in its entirety. But today, new legislative reforms undermine the citizens' right to be informed, the EU is sounding the alarm about justice reform, protection of journalists, reckless lawsuits and the plurality of public service which is all but ignored.

Opening session:

Marilù Mastrogiovanni - creator and director Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists


Stefano Bronzini - rector University of Bari

Loredana Capone - President of the Council of the Apulia Region

Loredana Perla - director of the For. Psi. Com. of UniBa

Luigi Cazzato - coordinator Master in Journalism of UniBa

Piero Ricci - president of the Order of Journalists Apulia Region

Vito Fatiguso - secretary Assostampa Puglia

Raffaele Lorusso - International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) executive committee

Lino Patruno - director Medi@terraneonews, Master in Journalism Uniba

Trisha Thomas - foreign press association, Associated Press Television

Rossella Matarrese - Gi.U.Li.A. regional coordinator of journalists

9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

PANEL 2 - Feminisms and Press Freedom in Sub-Saharan Africa

While in many African countries feminisms in various forms and with different practices have been carrying on for several decades a non-violent struggle for the achievement of civil and human rights for all, the narrative on Africa and migrations, contrary to what is sanctioned by the Charter of Rome, which is an integral part of the Testo Unico deontologico (as recited in the TU, preamble) remains imprisoned in cages made of prejudices and stereotypes.

Alessandra Contino, Sociologist

Antonella Napoli, journalist, director of Focus on Africa

Leah Pattem, journalist and photographer, Madrid, Spain

Désirée Deneo, General Secretary Ligue Ivoirienne des Droits des Femmes

Chair: Marisa Ingrosso, Interpreter: Cia Sollecito

12 - 14

PANEL 3 - Decolonising information: local journalism between news desert and ghost papers

The phenomenon of news deserts and ghost papers began to be studied in the USA, but the signs of its spread can also be seen in Italy. Local journalism thus becomes a guardian of democracy, where the right to be informed is compromised and the lives of citizens, in some peripheral areas, do not make the news. As always, it is the minorities who pay the price, and among these are women: the narrative concerning them is often infused with sexism. Women journalists, especially in peripheral areas, are the favourite target of haters.

Silvia Savoye, journalist, director Aosta news, vice-president ANSO

Alessia Melchiorre, co-founder of the Marea media collective

Grazia Attolini - journalist, Ossigeno per l'Informazione

Iliana Papangeli, journalist, managing director of the investigative newspaper Solomon, Greece

Daniela Salaphotojournalist, co-founder of FADA collective Interpreter: Cia Sollecito

Chair: Marilù Mastrogiovanni, creator and director Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists

In collaboration with the National Association of Online Press (ANSO)

15 -17

Day 2

26 November 2024

Aula Leogrande, palazzo Ex Poste Piazza Cesare Battisti 1, Uniba

PANEL 4 - Palestine, a live genocide?

On 26 March 2024 the United Nations report ‘Anatomy of a Genocide’ was released, signed by Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied by the Israelis since 1967. According to the Special Rapporteur's study, there are reasonable grounds for what is happening in Palestine to be framed as a ‘crime of genocide’, driven, according to the report, by the Israeli colonial settlement project in Palestine. The tale of a tragedy entrusted to a few Palestinian freelance journalists who, from the inside and from below, are trying to restore humanity to a media addicted to the bloody images and pornography of war. What deontological responsibility for journalists to guarantee balanced information?

Erminia Rizzi, expert in immigration and asylum law

Bisan Owda, journalist, reporting from Gaza, Palestine

Jumana Shaheen, journalist, reporting from Cairo, Egypt

Wessal Yousef, journalist

Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories

Cecilia Dalla Negra, journalist, Orient XXI, head of the Italian section of

Micol Meghnagi, sociologist, University of Bologna

Alessandra Costante, journalist, FNSI General Secretary

Chair: Luigi Cazzato, UniBa Master of Journalism coordinator

Interpreter: Cia Sollecito

Ore 09.30-11.30

PANEL 5 - Jineolojî, the women's revolution in Kurdistan

The women's movement in Kurdistan is the vanguard of feminism, which wants to reform every aspect of civil life starting from a transformative pedagogy of society. Yet the scope of this revolution, based on the peaceful coexistence of peoples and cultures starting with the abolition of patriarchy, is suppressed and censored by the mainstream media, and the plight of a people oppressed by the apartheid implemented by four nation-states is removed from the collective consciousness. Yet, the Testo Unico dei Dveri del/ella giornalista, provides for a series of obligations in order to avoid the so-called ‘double standard’, i.e. discriminatory and censorious reporting with respect to the specificities of different cultures and ethnicities.

Necibe Qeredaxi, Jineoloji Academy activist, Iraqui Kurdistanê (Iraqi Kurdistan)

Gulistan Ike, journalist, Newaya Jin, Bakurê Kurdistanê (Turkish Kurdistan)

Chair: Marilù Mastrogiovanni

Interpreter: Neyra


PANEL 6 - Between edutainment and infotainment: journalism as a pedagogical tool

Journalism as a pedagogical tool for the exercise of critical thinking and the formation of a global and digital citizenship can be an opportunity to experiment a real collective teaching and learning device, where everyone has something to learn and everyone can teach. The experience of XQ the news is an example of how to engage GenZ, experimenting with innovative ways to decolonise information in an intersectional key, while the metaverse and holograms can become new ecosystems for more empathetic learning and information. How can we reconcile the need for more emotionally involving journalism with the need not to fall into spectacularisation that is detrimental to people's dignity? The spectacularisation of information must not compromise its quality and the presence of journalists in infotainment must ensure respect for professional ethics.

Monica Carella, engineer, sales manager digital healthcare, Predict Spa

Paula Estalayo, project coordinator, Octaedro, Spain

Alessandra Costante, journalist, secretary general FNSI

Fiona Govan, freelance journalist, Madrid, Spain

Laura Casamitjana, journalist, content editor XQ The News

Valentina Isernia, journalist, Idea Dinamica coop

Chair: Gianpaolo Altamura, journalist, researcher in Contemporary Italian Literature UniBa

Interpreter: Cia Sollecito


Day 3

27 November 2024

Refectory of the former Augustinian Convent Viale Michele de Pietro 10, Lecce- 15.00-17.00

PANEL 7 - Motherhood, mental health and leadership in journalism

Stress, anxiety, sense of inadequacy. And yet burnout syndrome, unmotivated anger attacks, depression, eating disorders, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder: these are just some of the problems detected by the most recent surveys. But if mental health difficulties affect all journalists, for women journalists the problems related to maternity management and work pressure can become a further obstacle to their full empowerment and leadership recognition at work. How to comply with the obligations imposed by professional ethics, regarding the correct use of gender language free of sexist stereotypes and discrimination, if already in the editorial offices women journalists have to fight against a patriarchal culture that compromises not only the serene advancement of their careers but also the everyday relations between colleagues?

Barbara Consarino, journalist, Associazione Giulia giornaliste

Stefania Prandi, freelance journalist

Alice Facchini, freelance journalist

Vittoria Torsello, co-founder of the Marea media collective

Chair: Marilù Mastrogiovanni

In collaboration with: ‘Io vivo qui’ project of the Fermenti Lattici Association

Ore 15- 17

Panel 8 - Social reproduction is (no longer) a female matter

According to the report ‘Care Work and Care Jobs for the Future of Decent Work’ by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the value of unpaid care and domestic work is $11 trillion, or 9% of the global gross domestic product (GDP). The data, covering 64 countries in the world, including Italy, show that 16.4 billion hours are devoted to unpaid care work every day, 76.2% of which is performed by women. Thus, the daily unpaid care work of women worldwide concerns 1.5 billion women, who work eight hours a day unpaid. Italy is among the countries with the highest number of unpaid hours and the lowest public spending on certain care policies as a percentage of GDP and employment/population ratio of women with care responsibilities. Caring is the basis of ‘social reproduction’, i.e. all those activities that are vital for the very survival of society. A real connective tissue built on the (undeclared) care work of women. A phenomenon that also affects women journalists, caught between family life and work. The journalistic narrative must be free of sexist stereotypes and discrimination: but how is it possible to correctly apply the Consolidated Text of the Duties of Journalists if the work life balance is always to the detriment of women journalists from the daily editorial work?

Elena Gentile, paediatrician, former MEP

Anna Maria Moschetti, cultural association Pediatricians, group Pediatricians for a Possible World

Anna Frasca, statistical expert, CREIS

Raffaella Patimo, Professor of Labour Economics, UniBa

Chair: Serenella Molendini, CREIS President

In collaboration with: European Research Centre for Sustainable Innovation (CREIS)
