The work of the ninth edition of the FMWJ will open on 25 November (International Day Against Violence Against Women) at 9:30 a.m. in the Aula don Tonino Bello of the University of Bari in the presence of Rector Bronzini, President Capone and other authorities
The Forum of Women Journalists of the Mediterranean (FMWJ), since 2017, has set itself the ambitious goal of building bridges and breaking down walls between the shores of the Mediterranean, promoting independent and quality journalism, giving a voice to women correspondents in theatres of war, investigative journalists and all those professionals, researchers and activists who interpret their work as a garrison of democracy and as an active commitment to peace, the defence of human rights and the fight against disinformation and fake news.
Another important aspect of the Forum is its commitment to countering hate speech, sexism and gender stereotypes, issues closely linked to the representation of women in the media, by promoting a decolonial and intersectional approach to journalistic narrative.
This year’s topics
“Press care, life care. Liberare la verità, nutrire la vita” is the key theme of the ninth edition.
Protecting freedom of information means in fact defending every aspect of democratic life, civil rights, human rights, environmental and ecological justice.
By the level of press freedom is measured the resilience of the rule of law; and in Italy, the instability of the publishing system and the precariousness of the work of young journalists is failing to guarantee turnover in a category that is increasingly thinning its ranks.
While the new legislative reforms undermine the citizens’ right to be informed, the European Union is sounding the alarm about justice reform, the protection of journalists from reckless lawsuits and the crisis of plurality in public service broadcasting.
This year’s Forum will also address the topics of maternity, mental health and leadership in journalism and the issue of social reproduction, which weighs, unpaid, entirely on the shoulders of women, including journalists.
Journalists from Turkish and Iraqi Kurdistan, Rojava (North East Syria), Spain, Greece, UK, Belgium, Sub Saharan Africa, Palestine, Egypt have confirmed their attendance.
Opening of work
On 25 November, the date on which the International Day Against Violence Against Women (established by the UN in 1999) is also celebrated, the work of the 9th Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists will be opened by Stefano Bronzini, Rector of the University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’ and Loredana Capone, President of the Puglia Regional Council.
The appointment (also for fellow journalists) is set for 9.30 a.m. at the Don Tonino Bello Lecture Hall of the University of Bari, in via Crisanzio 42, Bari.
This will be followed by speeches by Loredana Perla, Director of the For.Psi.Com. Department, Luigi Cazzato, Director of the Master’s Degree Course in Journalism, Piero Ricci, President of the Order of Journalists of Apulia, Vito Fatiguso, Secretary of Assostampa Apulia, Raffaele Lorusso, Executive Committee of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), Lino Patruno, Director of Medi@terraneonews and lecturer of the Master’s Degree Course in Journalism, Rossella Matarrese, Regional Coordinator of Gi.U.Li.A. journalists, Felice Blasi, Vice-President of Co.Re.Com Apulia.
Each panel organised by the Forum, including this first meeting that officially opens the three days in Bari and Lecce, is structured as a real professional training course, recognised with training credits for both journalists and university students, thus offering an important opportunity for growth and updating.
In this way, the Forum of Mediterranean Women Journalists is configured as a platform for reflection and action for a more ethical and inclusive journalism, capable of promoting peace, justice and human rights.
The Scientific Committee
The scientific committee of the Forum is composed of Loredana Perla, director of the For.Psi.Com Department of the University of Bari; Luigi Cazzato, coordinator of the Master’s Degree Course in Journalism at the University of Bari; Marilù Mastrogiovanni, founder and director of the Forum; Lorena Carbonara and Laura Corradi of the University of Calabria; Armida Salvati, Rosa Gallelli, Ylenia De Luca, Filippo Silvestri, Antonella D’Autilia and Claudia Attimonelli of the University of Bari.
Organisation and partnership
The Forum is organised by the ‘Giulia giornaliste’ National Association, the ‘Giornaliste del Mediterraneo’ Association, the IdeaDinamica cooperative, the University of Bari, the S/Murare il Mediterraneo Research Centre.
Under the patronage of the Order of Journalists of Apulia, FNSI and Assostampa, Ossigeno per l’Informazione.
The ninth edition of the FMWJ is also a winner of the Bando Futura of the Apulia Region.